Friday, July 25, 2008

In Savai'i

The pose at Jane's Beach Fale's
Entrance to Pe'a Pe'a Cave
Getting Bigger!
Even Bigger!!!!
Ouch!! It was a big one!!
At the top of the Canopy Tree hut
Pe'a Pe'a Cave

In Savaii

On Thursday the 17 we went to Savaii for three days and two nights. Before we left we tried to keep it as quite as possible. On the way to the ferry the police came out of a drive way with the black limousine came out with the police. Most of the people in front of us didn’t know what to do so they pulled over at the closest shop. The limousine tuned into a church that looked like they where doing the church up. When we got to the ferry terminal the sea looked very calm and it was not that windy. We were waiting for the ferry for about one hour. Knowing Samoan time we thought it would be early but we left at the exact time we were meant to. The ride was nice and calm. Dad’s chair was a bit busted because the chair leg was bent. So half way Dad and I swapped chairs just after that another boat passed that had came from Savaii. When we got to Savaii our first stop was the lava flow. My favourite thing at the lava flow was the way something had stopped it and the lava had all piled up on each other and it was like foot massage. We went a bit further down to the L.M.S church and the Virgins Grave. Her grave was the only one that lava did not destroy because the lava went right round her grave. After that we went strait too Janes Beach fales. Just as we arrived the men climbed up the coconut trees because it was very windy and the y might of fell on someone. When they had finished we went for a swim. I found a bit of coral that was dead and still had lot fish on it. Dinner for us was very late. It was at 6:00.For dinner we got some star fruit, coleslaw and lamb chops. After dinner we were going to play spotlight but it started to rain so we waited in Mum and Dad’s fale. We were up very late waiting for a mattress for Leilani and I to sleep on. In the morning Leilani and I woke up quite early and we went to the loo and we started to play outside after. I went down to feel the water and it was nice and warm. For breakfast we had eggs, pawpaw, toast, star fruit and cheese toasted sandwich. Just after we finished Latia was posing on a rock, so I had to go and grab the camera and we took some nice photos for Nana. We were packing the car and it started to rain, when we were heading to the next beach fales we went to the star mound the most western point of Samoa. The star mound is in the shape of a star and many of them have been lost under the dense jungle growth. We also did the Canopy walkway, which was not working because the bridge was broken but we still got to go up the tree hut. But before we did that we went to the Peapea cave. We got to see the swiftlet bird I first thought it was a moth. When we got to the beach fales we had to unpack once we had we went for a swim. The coral reef was right up close to the shore. Dad said we were not allowed to go onto the coral, but we saw a lot of fish. Dad then let me go over the coral and I saw a very big fish that was black and white. Once we had finished swimming we went shell hunting down the beach, we found some clam shells, Mum’s favourite shell and some other little bits of shell and coral. Mum and Dad both found a whole spiral shell which we hope we will be able to get home. Once we got back it was just about tea time. For dinner us kids had chicken chips and salad. For a treat we had Sprit. The next day we went to the blow holes, on the way we brought some coconut buns. When we got there Dad started to head out to the blow hole and the twins wanted to go out too, but Mum didn’t want them to go but Dad called me out to go. We were out there for a wee while and Dad was doing all these poses, one of them looked like he was going to fall in. The sea was very rough that day and the tide was up high. Dad also through a coconut into the hole and it flew up into the sky when the blow hole went off. About 5 minutes after that the sea got even rougher and then a huge big shock wave washed me up into the rocks I got saturated and a lot of cuts and grazes on my legs. It was very painful and strong. I was worried that I would lose my jandals but Daddy managed to save them but fell over in the process and got saturated. When I got back up to the car, Mum patched up my legs and I changed my clothes we were going to celebrate a good three days in Savaii with our coconut buns but then Latia went to get them and dropped them in the sand!!! That was my experience of the blow holes, I won’t go out onto the rocks if we go back again. We then drove to the wharf and got and earlier ferry back to Upolo. The ferry was a rollercoaster ride and the sea was still very rough.

By Maleina

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our Beach Fale experience

Mum and Talia. Talia was not aloud to swim because of her allergy
Yep.....we're cold, swimming since 7:00 A.M.
Along the Beach...look at al the Fales
Inside our Fale
On Tuesday we went to Litia Sini beach fale resort. Aunty Viv, Nanna, Granddad, Leilani and I went. Mum, Dad and Talia could not stay because she was sick, Latia was not old enough. On the way we had a couple of stops. We first stopped at the Piula Cave pools. On the last 20km we saw people all dressed in white nurses uniforms driving a vehicle with flashing lights and a sign on the front. We couldn’t read the sign because it was written in Samoan. About half a kilometre after that we stopped at the Sopoaga falls, they drop about 180 feet into a pool. It took us about 2 hours, to get to the other end of the Island. When our fale was made we put all our stuff in and had a swim, we where swimming for about 10 min then the others left and we hopped back in. It started to cloud over before dinner. While we where waiting for tea we got a drink of fanta. I had hot dogs with Leilani. When we finished tea we went for a walk along the beach. The sand was like sinking sand! That night we where going to play skip-bo and have an early night but it turned out it was a late night. That night it was loud because of the waves crashing outside our door of the fale and out on the reef. It was also quite a stormy night. In the morning we were up at 7am swimming but Grandad was the first one in. It was cold or I might be getting acclimatised to this hot weather. We had breakfast at about 8.30. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs on toast, pawpaw, banana and flaai pankekeis (banana pancake balls deep fried yum yum). Then we went for a walk, I think we went to an under ground fresh water pool, on the way back we got two lots of snorkelling gear. When we got back we had to sort out how to wear them. The goggles were a bit big. When we were swimming there was a strong rip. Under the water there was all these fish that came up to you. If I stayed still on top of the water they would all swim under you, Leilani and I where chasing after them, they were white and hard to spot.